Monday, December 30, 2013

Legend: The story of Donya Maltha River

Taiheyo cement corporation
(the story behind this)
                  The small town of San Fernando has always been green with cornfields and tilled by happy people. But once, in the olden days, there appeared a mysterious woman on one of the rivers here. The mysterious woman named Donya Maltha had all the things that people needed such as wedding garments, kitchen utensils, and many more.

            Donya Maltha was very kind to her fellow men. Most of the people went to her to borrow any wedding garments or any kitchen utensils for any celebration. A villager went to Donya Maltha and asked something from her, "Donya Maltha, I need to borrow any wedding garments and  utensils  for the wedding of my daughter?." In just a blink of an eye, those things are in front of the villager. And he heard a voice coming from the mysterious woman, "You have to bring back all those things here after you used it". The villager replied, "Oh, Yes, yes Donya Maltha, I will". After the wedding celebration, the villager brought all those things back to the place where he found them. This situation happened again and again.
                   Until such time that there was an abusive member in the town who broke the kindness of  Donya Maltha. The said member didn't give back all the things that he borrowed from Donya Maltha. From then on Donya Maltha suddenly disappeared. The river where she was first founded was now a mysterious place to all the people who live in this town, it is called Donya Maltha. 
                 This river can be found in Barangay Tinubdan San Fernando, Cebu. But OPPS!, this Urban Legend didn't end up here. This is only the Middle Point.

                 The said river has a secret tunnel going to the neighboring barangay which is Barangay South Poblacion. That said barangay has a corporation named Taheiyo Grand Cement. The Corporation's area is very wide enough for their transactions. In front of their very wide gate, there is a big Balete tree- I think it's almost a hundred years of existence.

                 That Balete Tree was very mysterious even until today because it was said that it was the House of Donya Maltha. Goosh!! Nobody tried to cut the Balete Tree because they were all afraid to be punished if ever they did.

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